Words of Joy and Life and Light

When I was depressed I was thinking depressing thoughts of despair and darkness and death. I was worrying about bad things that might happen that might hurt my kids causing serious injury or death. The Lord showed me through Scripture and through amazing preachers and speakers (like Joyce Meyers for one) that I need to replace the bad thoughts with the truth of the Scriptures. So I searched the Bible for verses that were the opposite of what my thoughts were. This is the list I put together. I looked at this list every day several times a day and read them aloud to myself until the Truth they proclaimed began to sink into my whole being. I kept this up for a long time rebuking in Jesus’ Name the the bad thoughts when they came and declaring these Scriptures in their place. My negative thoughts came less and less, and in a couple years they were mostly gone.  I continue to read over this list every once in awhile.

Words of Joy, Life, and Light

Rev. 12:11 They overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and by the WORD…..

John 16:20   Your pain will turn into JOY.

John 16:22 Your hearts will REJOICE and no one will take your JOY from you.

John 16:24  Ask and you will receive so that your JOY will be complete

John 16:27  For the Father himself LOVES you.

John 6:33 The BREAD of  GOD….gives LIFE.

John 6:63    It is the Spirit that gives LIFE. The WORDS I spoke are Spirit and LIFE.

John 10:10  I came that (you) may have LIFE and have it abundantly.

John 14:19  …because I LIVE you also will LIVE.

John 8:51    Whoever keeps my WORD will never see death.

John 11: 25-26  I am the resurrection and the LIFE. Those who believe in me, though they die will LIVE. Everyone who LIVES AND BELIEVES in me will never die!!

John 11:40  Did I not tell you that if you BELIEVE you will SEE the GLORY OF GOD!!!

John 15:11  I have said these WORDS so that my JOY may be in you and that your JOY MAY BE COMPLETE.

John 16: 33  I have said these WORDS so that in me you may have PEACE.

John 5:21   The Son gives LIFE.

John 8:12   I am the LIGHT of the world. Whoever follows me…will have the LIGHT of  LIFE.

Psalms 119:130 The unfolding of Your WORD gives LIGHT.

Psalms 119:105  Your WORD is … LIGHT ….

Psams 119:111  Your decrees are … the JOY of my heart.

John 8:32   The TRUTH will set (me) free.

John 8:33   The Son has made you FREE so you are FREE INDEED!

John 14:23  We will come to them and make our home with them.

John 14:1   Do not let your heart (thoughts) be troubled. I am preparing a place for you… I will receive you unto myself.

Matt. 11:28  I will give you rest.

Prov. 12:28  In the path of righteousness there is LIFE, in walking in its path there is no death.

John 14:27  PEACE I leave with you, my PEACE I give to you… let not your heart be troubled…or afraid.

John 5:21   The Father will show us greater things so we will be ASTONISHED!

Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you….not to harm you….Plans to give you a future of HOPE.



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