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About Olive Press
In the olive grove, called [Gat Shemenim which means oil press] Gethsemane,
Yeshua/Jesus went through the olive press. At that time there were two stages to the pressing of olives. First, the olives were crushed and pressed, producing clean oil that was used for food, for fragrance, and for anointing. Then the olives were in turn pounded to a pulp, which produced a cruder oil that was used for lighting lamps. Our Savior was first crushed under great pressure, then He was severely beaten for our salvation and healing. He is the Light of the world. (Our director and her husband learned this from their Arab Christian guide their first time in Israel.)
We, too, must go through the olive press—most of us more than once because unlike Yeshua/Jesus we resist and fight, instead of surrendering and allowing ourselves to be totally crushed. The books that come after our olive press experiences become the fragrance of Messiah to others, and the oil God/Elohim can use to shine forth the Light of
Our goal through our books here at Olive Press Publisher is to glorify Yeshua /Jesus, help reveal His Grace, help people draw near to Him and grow in Him, help reveal the Jewishness of His message, and help prove that He is the only Messiah.
This is the prayer for the words in our books:
At Olive Press Messianic and Christian Publisher, we have published Biblically-sound books in many categories that are written by Messianic or Gentile Believers. Our main goals are to help bring readers to a deeper relationship with Yeshua
(Jesus); to teach the church about their Jewish roots; to help turn Jewish people to their True Messiah; and to inspire people to pray for Israel and for End Time prophecies to be fulfilled. In all of this we want to help make “the Word of Adonai fully known” (Col. 1:25), to help it “spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere” (II Thess. 3:1) and grow “mightily and prevail” (Acts 19:20). We want God’s Word in our books to help “open” people’s “eyes so that they will turn from darkness to Light, from the power of the adversary to God” (Acts 26:18) and to trust in
Yeshua (Jesus) (Acts 26:18,15b) (Scriptures from the New Revised Standard Version and the Complete Jewish Bible).
The concept of Olive Press Publisher was born in 2006 when I, Cheryl (Director of Olive Press Publisher) was traveling to say my farewells before I moved to Israel. As I was praying in the car, the Lord told me, through a very LOUD thought in my head, to start a publishing company. “Me?” I exclaimed in utter shock. But as He made me realize that He had already prepared me exactly for such a task, I began to laugh in delight.
I knew right away that if God wanted me to start a publishing company, He wanted it to have a Messianic focus, so I tried to think of a Messianic name. I wrestled for about an hour as I continued driving, and then gave up, saying, “Lord, if You want me to do this, You will give me the name.”
I expected it to be weeks or months before the right name would come to me, but only one minute had passed when the name, “Olive Press” popped into my head. I knew right away why the Lord wanted it to be called Olive Press, having already spent time on the Mount of Olives and seeing our Savior’s night of suffering in a new light. (See first paragraph.)
I immediately began obeying the Lord trying to set up the company and website before I left for Israel, but His timing was different than mine. It took three and a half years to jump all the hurdles and finally get everything going.
As Olive Press Publisher grows, we plan to make continual donations to the Messianic movement; to people serving in Israel (including the Chinese and Koreans praying there); and to those furthering God’s Kingdom around the world, including remote places like Mongolia, both natives and missionaries—the kind of people we have had the awesome privilege to meet on the many mission trips God has so graciously granted that we take.
We invite you to stand and fight in prayer against the enemy who doesn’t want Olive Press Publisher to prosper, who even tried to keep it from coming into existence but failed. PRAISE THE LORD!! Pray that Adonai’s will be done in spreading His Word and shining His Light to overcome the kingdom of darkness.
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