ALL is a Bible study based on all that Jesus fulfilled, arising out of the Old Testament. The title comes from Jesus’ encounter with the two on the road to Emmaus the night after His resurrection: He opened the Scriptures to two travelers (and thereby also to us) by revealing an amazing fact. Luke 24:25-27 records His disclosure:
He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.
ALL examines our risen Lord’s “all.” It focuses on the Old Testament passages He could well have shown them that night.
To whom is this ALL study of interest? Skeptics, searchers, Bible students, teachers…
ALL ‘s twelve studies explore:
- Who fulfilled the Old Testament’s foreshadowed Messiah as Seed, Son, Lamb, Priest, Host, King, and Prophet.
- What new Messianic identity is revealed in the New Testament.
- What the whole Bible reveals about God’s overall purpose.
- How the Old and New Testament fit together.
- How Messiah’s identities are being both challenged and embraced today.
- What we need to realize about history and today’s Messianic movement.
ALL is a prior companion study to IN, the first being Old Testament based, and the second New Testament based. ALL focuses on the identity and claims of Jesus as the Messiah. None of the Scriptures are “over.” They are vital to our present spiritual experience, expanding our appreciation of what all the Messiah fulfilled. Lives can be changed through knowing the Messianic Son in the New Testament fullness of His Old Testament roles -- as our Second Adam, the promised Son, the sacrificial Lamb, and God’s ultimate Priest, Host, Prophet, and King. ALL provides a panoramic roadmap for the Biblical pilgrimage, with the Messiah as both compass and dynamic.
ALL is actually contemporary. Many are awakening to the enemy’s decimation of Jew/Gentile relationships through Replacement Theology and are concerned about rising anti-Semitism today. Those concerned for God’s chosen people ask, “How can we understand the relationship between the Biblical Messiah and our sad relational history? How can we respond to today’s urgent need for reconciliation?”
ALL is great for group or personal study.
See the author's website.
ALL is the first of three books in a Bible study series:
ALL, IN, THEREFORE Bible Study Trilogy
- ALL reveals that the Old Testament is allabout Jesus, the Messiah, and He fulfilled all.
- IN studies the glory of Messiah's presence ineveryone who believes in Him.
- THEREFORE gives a panoramic view of what God has done for mankind, and how we should therefore live.

[Tanakh is the Hebrew term referring to the Old Testament.]
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See all of Kay's books published here at Olive Press.
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Two of her books are about Ethiopia where she and her husband were missionaries: Overcomers, and Hidden in Triumph,
Another book was written by both she and her late husband Charles, The Messiah Mystery.
Three of her books are on
See her books on Barnes and Noble.
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