ALL, IN, THEREFORE Bible Study Trilogy
by Kay Bascom
Three simple 12-week Bible studies, ALL, IN , and THEREFORE that help us know the Messiah more and walk in His power better.
ALL studies all that Jesus fulfilled, arising out of the Old Testament. On the road to Emmaus, the night after His resurrection, He opened the Sciptures to two travelers. And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
IN reveals all God imparts to all who are in our Messiah. “In” seems to be such a tiny and incidental preposition, and yet in Scripture, “in” is one of the most important disclosures in God’s Biblical revelation. For instance, how significant is the “in” found in these statements?
- I Corithians 15:22 “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive…”
- Ephesians 1:7 “In him we have redemption through his blood....”
- Colossians 1:27 “Christ in you, the hope of glory….”
THEREFORE reveals who Yeshua said He is; who He is from the perspective of His Biblical, Jewish culture; who the apostles and the writers of the Epistles said He is; and what our response should therefore be.
These studies call us to believe God’s truths revealed in the past, to eagerly expect the Messiah’s return in the future, and to therefore live out His indwelling life today. It explores why the Church and the Jewish people have become so divided. THEREFORE alerts us to our own chapter of God and Man’s redemptive history as it draws to completion, perhaps soon.

Summarizing the three studies: Jesus (Yeshua) revealed that the Old Testament Scriptures are ALL about Himself. The New Testament (New Covernant) reveals His enabling presence living IN the believer. THEREFORE our lives are to be lived out in accordance with these marvelous realities. They give a nice, gentle introduction to Messianic Judaism.

See all of Kay's books published here at Olive Press.
See still other books by Kay on Amazon
Two of her books are about Ethiopia where she and her husband were missionaries: Overcomers, and Hidden in Triumph,
Another book was written by both she and her late husband Charles, The Messiah Mystery.
Three of her books are on
See her books on Barnes and Noble.
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