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BETROTHED: A Collection of LOVE STORIES Reflecting an Ancient Faith

$19.95 $17.95

5.0 average, based on 2 reviews

Product Information

Every girl wants to be cherished and valued.

Every guy wants to be respected and honored.

What if there was a way to fall in love without the worries of your heart being broken or trampled on?

Well, there is!  There's a new way to find the love of your life!  A new but ancient way.

That is what this book is about. Read the intimate details of these TEN BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY accounts each told from both the girl's and the guy's perspective. 

Let your heart be warmed. You've heard of dating and courtship, but this is something even better!  You might think you disagree, butthis is different from what you think it is. Read the book before you pass judgment. You might be amazed!



These now happily married couples in this book have trailblazed a new, yet ancient and beautiful path to marriage—a path that points toward Yeshua (Jesus) and His spotless Bride.


SEE INSIDE to page 53



The Tommy and Sherri Waller family of is well represented in these love stories. Tommy writes: “There has never been a time in my life when I have witnessed anything close to the intensity of love birthed from two undefiled hearts as I have in betrothal. Every betrothal I witness confirms in me the Father’s true grace—the unmerited favor He desires to lavish on all of us.”


Brayden Waller writes: “The bridegroom heart of God is a recurring theme throughout Scripture. The Bible actually begins and ends with a wedding: first, Adam and Eve in the garden, and last, the marriage supper of the Lamb. Betrothal is an essential key to this whole story. To understand this ancient and Biblical way of marriage is to better understand the relationship we have with God. … May your love for Him be stirred to new heights as you read this book.


This book goes far beyond the Waller's Betrothed movie. That movie is the account of one couple, Brayden and Talli Waller. This book tells much more about Brayden and Tali AND tells nine other couples' touching LOVE stories. 



Buy the book here or on!

TheBetrothed  DVD is a precurser to this book. See the trailer and buy it here.

A Journey Home is a documentary of the whole Waller family.


See it on    [But keep in mind that  the authors get much more royalty when you buy it here at Olive Press or at Hayovel.]

Sold in Australia!


Read another couple's story on


Here's an earlier version of the same book trailer. The beginning is different and some of the timing is different. YouTube chose the cover frame options. None were good.  (Feel free to comment on these videos on YouTube.)




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Product Code: BETROTHED

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5


This book is counter-cultural and revolutionary in its endeavor to show the Biblically based path to falling in love and proving beyond a doubt that it is possible to enter into a marriage with purity still intact. On the advice of a friend I began reading these stories to my children when they were 16, 14, 12, and 7, then read them to my older child’s children and the fruit from this has woven beauty and purity into my family line that brings glory to the Father in Heaven. My generations are changed.

Tina :: 20 Mar 2025, 12:42


This will change your life!! HaShem is still working miracles today.

Emma :: 29 Jun 2015, 09:26

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