True, inspiring thriller:

Tough and mean. He had hurt so many and had so many close calls.
Caught once, would he be able to escape again?
"The three pulled their own ritzy car in front of the nondescript building attracting all of the attention. Bobby slipped out of the driver’s seat, leaving his two henchmen in custody of the car. There they stood, ___s ready, for any perceived threat to their boss that these cruel streets might produce. Bobby braved the deluge, ducking into a spacious room illuminated only by a few flickering lamps. Hands instinctively moved toward waistbands and chatter temporarily subsided at the opening of the door. Only a fool with a death wish would enter this building uninvited."
Read Bobby's true thriller story of always having to watch his back. Read how he ended up in the street life; how he escaped being caught so many times; and what happened to make him want to leave the street life. Read how his heart was finally changed and he committed himself totally to God and to rescuing people from the very same streets where he had formerly caused destruction. And thirty years later, he is still free!
Read and see that with God all things are possible. If God can change a life like Bobby's, surely He can turn things around for you, too.
See inside a few pages
The Life of Bobby Lloyd ... is a miraculous example of how the Lord can rescue a person from the Pit of Hell...."
--Pastor Joseph Cedzich | The Black Knight is a must read. ... Apparently doomed to life in prison, until God brought him out ... in order to fight the very fight that almost all others turned their back on."
--George Cote | The Black Knightis riveting, inspiring and captivating. A powerful read testifying to the transformational and miraculous work of God. Bobby Lloyd's book will make you laugh, cry, and ultimately marvel in what God has done in a surrendered life. It is a compelling reminder that it does not matter how you start, it is how you finish."
--Reverend Willie Ramos | What a moving illustration of the grace of God.... Only God could turn the pain and darkness of those earlier years into a tribute to His faithfulness and a ministry that few would choose."
--Helen Adams | Bobby's life story from brutal criminal to guardian angel, is a living testament to ... courage."
--Ellen Cooperperson |
Over the three decades since being set free,Bobby Lloyd’s community accomplishments include: assisting in the pioneering of
Long Island Teen Challenge, a residential program for individuals with life-controlling problems, as well as the founder and Executive Director to
Long Island Citizens for Community Values, an organization that protects women, children and families from the harms of this sexualized culture and Associate Pastor of Freedom Chapel, Amityville, New York.
Pastor Lloyd lives in Amityville with his wife, Dianne. Together, they have 8 children, 11 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren.
From the back cover:
About the co-author:
STEVE GALLAGHER For nearly three decades, the ministry of Steve Gallagher has consistently brought people into an encounter with the Cross. Having experienced the intimacy of the Lord that comes from living in the fire himself, his burden is to see believers purified and possessed with the power of God. Steve has a contagious passion for Holy living. Anyone who has read his writing knows that God has revealed deep spiritual truths to him—Kingdom truths that are umpired to his listeners when he speaks. He is founder and president of
Pure life Ministries and has authored nineteen books including six Bible studies, all available at

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