"I was on the way to 'end my pregnancy.' At least that’s how I thought of it at the time. As I leaned forward to give the taxi driver the clinic’s address, the safety pin holding my skirt together popped and stuck me in the side. I flinched at the momentary prick, unaware of the visceral pain I was to experience in about an hour. Refastening the pin, I leaned back into the worn leather seat and a button on my blouse gave way. Although just ten weeks pregnant, my body had already begun preparing to nurture the life I was about to snuff out. Except back then, I didn’t think it was a life. It was 1975, just two years after the Roe vs. Wade decision made abortion legal. The ruling also established that what was inside of me was not a 'person,' ...."
That's the opening to this book. Here's an excerpt from later in the book:
"On March 3, 2011, I had a dream that a baby was handed to me. It was a girl, less than a year old. Her eyes were at half-mast, closing on and off, as if she’d been sleeping before she was given to me. She was wearing a pink and white striped “onesie,” those one-piece tee shirts that snap around the baby’s diaper. I held her very carefully in my arms, trying to determine the best way to hold her. Then I gently placed her on my shoulder.
Suddenly she was gone. And I knew she’d been put in a bottleand thrown in the trashin Brooklyn. I was in a panic and got in my car, heading to Brooklyn to try and find her. My thoughts were, Could she breathe? Had the garbage truck come yet? Would the baby still be there? It was, like so many of my dreams, weird. A baby in a bottle thrown in the trash? I recorded the dream in my journal, prayed a little about it.... A few months later the dream came to mind, with a prompting to Google “abortion and bottle.” I was so taken aback by the out-of-the-blue thought, I didn’t even think about my own abortions. But when I did the search, the world fell away...."
The book tells the rest of her story, and then goes on to bring to our attention many very alarming things about what is happening to our nation and our children in these End Times. She wrote this in 2017 and most of the things she talks about have come to pass!
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 226 pages
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This book was a bestseller on Amazon for awhile:
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So, Gail wrote this book about God's message in a bottle. Then, after praying to God to calm her fears about publishing the book, she found a real message in a real bottle on a real beach. Isn't it just amazing how God works? Read her account about finding the bottle below.

A Bottle On The Beach Confirms The Message
The day I sent the final edits of Broken Land to my publisher, the last of which was a sentence about the importance of having childlike faith, I took my dogs for a walk on the beach. Something shimmering along the shore in the distance caught my eye. The closer I got, the faster and harder my heart pounded. It was the bottle you see here. A bottle with a rolled up message inside. That’s right, a message in a bottle!
As it turned out, it was a message sent by a little girl in childlike faith that someone would find it. What are the odds of finding a message in a bottle in the first place, let alone that I would find it on the very day I completed what God had called me to do?
Broken Land: God’s Message in a Bottle is undeniable proof that God continues to speak to His people, that His heart is for us to turn back to Him, and that with Him, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
About the Author
Gail was a business writer for most of her professional life. At the age of 53, she became a born-again Messianic Christian, and began focusing on faith-based writing. Her poetry, articles and short stories have appeared in various publications. In 2005, she won first place in the Fire By Nite short story contest. She collaborated on a friend’s memoir, Parting the Black Sea: The Prophetic Fulfillment of a Second Exodus(Redemption Press, 2010). Gail lives with her husband and two rescued dogs on Long Island, and serves as a deaconess at Hampton Bays Assembly of God under Pastor Eric J. Rey.
After witnessing her brother’s miraculous emotional healing just before his death, Gail set out to find the God who enabled that miracle. After reading The Purpose Driven Life, Gail sought out a Bible-believing church, where she serves as a deaconess today. Having had vivid, memorable dreams her whole life, they began to change after her conversion. She recorded all of her dreams, one of which birthed Broken Land, and many others which became part of it. Through writing this book, Gail realized the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God in a new way. And how His hand has been on her life forever, even when she had no idea who He was. She recounts this as part of her story, to encourage others that just because it doesn’t feel like God is there, doesn’t mean He’s not. The purpose of her book is to speak God’s Truth into a culture that has thrown it away. And with that Truth, convict hearts and minds to return to God so that He can heal our Broken Land. The prayer of the book is that of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Gail was Guest Speaker:
• 12/6/16: Hampton Bays Assembly of God Women's Christmas Dinner
• 9/24/16: Stonybrook Christian Assembly Women's Retreat
• 7/23/16: Crossover Christian Church Women's Retreat
Media Interviews:
• 5/15/17: March For Life New York Radio with Grace Truth Church
• 5/6/17: Inspired Blessings Television Show with Jean Marie Prince
• 1/26/17: Faith FM Long Island
• 12/3-4/16 and 12/10-11/16: Carolina Catholic Radio
Watch an interview with the author by March For Life NY Radio

Here's a comment from Facebook about this interview:
"Oh my what God can do with an open heart. Such a powerful restoration and new life in Him. The dreams and gifts He poured out to the author. Her words reveal the heart she has for truth and healing for others and our land. It's a long segment but I couldn't turn it off. Very very encouraging. May this book fly off the shelves!!!"
Here's another March For Life video that Gail Koop is on.

Yet another interview on video:

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The Kindle e-book is only $9.99.
Endorsements for Broken Land
“Gail illustrates so eloquently the condition of the lawless culture in which we live and the desperate need we all have for a Savior. Her story is one of truth, and it took courage to take a stand for decency in a land that has given itself over to the worldly, ruling spirit of this age. Written from personal experience and the pain and devastation brought by her own participation in this worldliness, she vividly portrays how her life was transformed when she turned herself over to the God who sent His son to die for us.
This book is a must read for anyone who has the courage to face the facts and raw truth about today’s world. What is so refreshing is that woven into the fabric of this book is the story of redemption and its availability to all of us as His people. Gail is a modern-day Jeremiah crying out to a lost and dying generation. Our prayer is that they will have ears to hear and eyes to see the prophetic words on these beautifully written pages.”
Bobby & Dianne Lloyd, Long Island Citizens for Community Values
Protecting women, children, families and the community for 20 years!
“Gail Koop is a gifted poet and author. Her sincere love for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is expressed through her writings. Her book, Broken Land, is a fine example of this. In her book, Gail humbly and honestly shares the story of how she experienced the powerful life-changing Grace of God. She writes about family, growing up in a secular Jewish home, struggles with alcoholism and immorality, being spiritually lost and finding faith in Jesus, her Messiah. But that’s not all. Gail boldly explains how Holy Scripture both addresses the spiritual and moral decay of our present culture and proclaims its only hope can be found through Jesus Christ. Gail also weaves into her message many of her God-given prophetic dreams and poems, which prompted her to write the book. In summary, the same Jesus who healed Gail’s broken life can heal our “broken land.”
As Gail’s pastor, I highly endorse her book. It is well written and Gail is a genuine Christian who “walks the talk.” I have personally witnessed the life-changing Grace of God in Gail’s life. I first talked to Gail 11 years ago when she phoned our church sincerely seeking God’s purpose for her life. Happily, she found it. She was saved by God’s Grace through faith and began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Gail is now a mature Christian serving in church leadership, and her heart’s desire is to share with others the hope and truths she has found. This is why she wrote her book. May all who read it find the life-changing hope that only The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can give!”
Rev. Eric J. Rey, Pastor, Hampton Bays Assembly of God
“Moses, the great Old Testament leader of Israel wrote, “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life…that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Our lives are primarily determined by our choices. A similar phrase that reverberates in my mind is “Decisions Determine Destiny.” Occasionally, someone writes a book that exhorts us to bold choices. Such is the book you hold in your hand.
My friend, Gail Koop, courageously reveals many of the decisions she has made in her life—both the bad and good. She reveals them in an audacious, uninhibited, very non-politically-correct manner. This is not written to be sensational or shocking, but to let the reader in on the deep concerns of her heart.
Gail’s concern is for the life and soul of humanity. She writes frankly of her past choices and their subsequent consequences. These experiences form the catalyst for her love that sounds the alarm to contemporary society—a society that is making far too many choices leading to narcissism, immorality, and meaninglessness.
Here’s the good news. Gail is a dynamic disciple of Jesus Christ! Her redeemed soul and Biblical perspectives are God’s gifts of grace to her. Her spiritual journey is woven throughout each chapter. That is the marrow of this book. May Gail’s words not only challenge you, but above all, point you to the love-drenched Lord who graciously offers His forgiveness and eternal life! See John 3:16. Choose wisely, my friend.”
Pastor Tim Rezac, Harvest Bible Chapel, Turks & Caicos Islands
“Gail Koop has been a good friend of mine for quite a few years. I have found her to be a very humble and sincere person; one who is interested in blessing you in every way she can. That is why I know Broken Land has been written for the purpose of bringing to light some of the most predominant issues of our time, and to help us understand them better.
Sometimes, because we haven’t had personal experience with certain situations or problems, we tend to either minimize or exaggerate their effects on ourselves and others. One of the things that Gail does through this book is to clarify the consequences of wrong thinking as it pertains to today’s culture.
I am the survivor of a pregnancy that was almost aborted because my father wasn’t ready to financially provide for me. Because of that, I highly value life and am very grateful to be living out the purpose of my existence. Gail uses her own life experiences to illuminate our hearts about the moral issues of our time.
My hope is that Broken Land will not be immediately rejected by those who have preconceived thoughts and ideas about the topics it addresses. It is important that we open our minds and hearts to wisdom that perhaps we’ve never heard, because in doing so, we may find the truth. And when we know the truth, it sets us free to stand for what we know is right, and it brings peace to our souls.”
Christine Pickering, Director, New Wine Christian Women’s Ministry
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