Fitness expert and occupational therapist, Gillian Taylor's excellent, spiritual health and fitness program keeps you from slipping back into old habits. After first laying out what health and well-being is from a Biblical, Hebraic perspective, Gillian then helps you do an effective inner search to get at the root of why you personally have reverted back to unhealthy ways and what to do practically to cut loose so it won’t happen again. Planning is key, and Gillian provides fresh ideas, along with helpful charts, lists, illustrations, and instructions on how to set her special brand of S.M.A.R.T.T. goals. Buy the book to find out what the extra T stands for.
The E-book is available on Amazon.
The book is designed for groups to work through together. Although it can be done individually, working in a group gives you support and encouragement to stay the course.
The first question this book addresses is: Are we thinking about ourselves the world's way or the Biblical way?
- You are too fat.
- You are too old.
- You can do whatever I want.
- What you eat and drink has nothing to do with your spiritual walk.
- You need to work faster.
- You need to look like this to be acceptable.
- You need to build your self-esteem.
BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE(sample questions):
1 Timothy 4:7-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Romans 12:1-2
Q. Do you consider your body as holy and pleasing to God?
Q.What issues for you, as an individual, prevent you from being able to accept this as true?
1 Chronicles 12:8; John 10:10
Q.Are you living your life to its fullest measure in serving Yahweh (God)?
Q.Can you accept that you are a beautiful, unique, one-of-a-kind creation, men and ladies?
Q. Are there any issues that are holding you back from experiencing all that Adonai has for you?
FIRST QUIZ (in part):
2. How happy are you with your body?
- I’m very happy with my body.
- I identify that He died for me and I am created in His image.
- I could do better, but I accept my body as it is.
- I dislike my physical body, but there is nothing I can do about it.
- I dislike my body and would do anything to change it.
5. How do you feel when you are with your friends at a social event?
- I rarely go out.
- I always feel out of place and that everyone looks better than I do.
- I am comfortable with myself as long as I am with friends.
- I am really confident in who I am in Yeshua.
- I am usually the centre of attention.
The goal of this in-depth study is to get to the cause and find the solution.
Six stages of change cycle:
- Contemplating
- Incubating
- Preparing for action
- Taking action
- Maintaining
- Oops [Yes, in this program, there is room for mistakes. They will happen and they are no problem.]
It continues with S.M.A.R.T.T. goal setting and much more!
Size: 8.5 x 11 inches, 192 pages
See inside a few pages.
"The enemy is having a field day out there as he persuades us that we are nothing unless we present with the perfect figure. We live in a world that embraces a lifestyle that not only affects us physically in such areas as obesity and heart disease, but that also influences our ways of thinking and how we perceive ourselves. Yahweh, God, is deeply concerned with our well-being, body, soul, and spirit. If we are always tired and dislike our bodies, how can we be living the life that we were created for?" —Author Gillian Taylor—
Visit the program's new website:Christian Health and Fitness
ABOUT THE AUTHOR (from the back cover)
Gillian Taylor began her own spiritual journey with Yeshua (Jesus) over forty years ago. She has been in the health and fitness industry for over twenty-three years, running her own successful business for twelve. In 2007 she qualified as an Occupational Therapist. Since then, Gillian has been working with Ex-Service personnel with trauma related ill-health. Further qualifications include certification at the UK level 4 in Obesity and Diabetes Management, in Mental Health and Exercise, and in Exercise on Prescription. Gillian also has a Higher National Diploma in Agriculture and a deep love for the outdoors. Her other work experiences have included being a shepherdess on the North York Moors, working for a yacht delivery company, and working with event horses. She has run marathons, loves to surf, sail, horseback ride, walk in the mountains, and paint, enjoying all that Yahweh (God) has created. Gillian has also had the privilege of living and working in Israel and is still very much involved in a charity there. Her greatest love is to help others discover their potential and vitality for their spiritual walk.
See on Amazon and Barnes & Noble Kindle E-book is on Amazon.

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