When Lorna lost her husband, she knew that she and her sweet, loving, teenage daughter would pull through together. But when her daughter’s attitude suddenly turned cold and sassy, Lorna felt very alone. All her attempts to reach her daughter’s heart were met with even colder defiance. Near despair, Lorna still hung onto her faith.
Will she lose her daughter, too? If you’ve ever dealt with a sullen, insolent son or daughter, you will understand completely the pain and loneliness Lorna suffers as she tries to understand and connect with her daughter. Find out what solutions the Lord gives her and be encouraged for your own struggles with your own teens.
Lorna's story is genuine with warts and all. She was not a perfect parent. She stumbled under stress just like you and I do, yet God was faithful. Her parenting methods are not politically correct. Maybe some of them were not correct at all, yet God was merciful and helped her. This book shows you that God will help you in your parenting, even if you can't rise up to the polished, self-esteem preserving methods or the exact, craftedly worded methods of the psychological recommendations of the day.
Also be blessed to see how God provided financially for this mother and daughter!
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Product Code: DEFIANT