He escaped poverty, only to find that wealth doesn't satisfy.
In its second edition, this book has become a favorite of many and is being shared as a ministry tool throughout the Body of Messiah.
Rabbi Greg grew up in poverty in New York City; became financially successful, but he still felt empty. Trying to find meaning in life, he headed to Israel. There he met the Lord in a supernatural way.
Keep scrolling down for many videos, etc. of Rabbi Greg. But for an easier time ordering the book, go here. Sometimes we have technical difficulties in the ordering process here. So, as we said, for a much smoother, easier purchase experience, go here.
Featured on JEWISH VOICE.com with Jonathan Bernis. (See video below, at the very bottom.)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 162 pages
See Inside
Watch him tell his powerful story on One For Israel:
Radio interviewpodcast with radio host Ron Miller at Bethel Fellowship Ministries. The interview is about his newest book, an in-depth Bible study: A Life for God, but he gives his life story also. (The interviewstarts in the middle at minute 56:23). You won't be sorry you took the time to listen. It is very interesting!!
Listen to the author's wonderful sermons.
About the Author:
From the back of the book: Rabbi Greg Hershberg is the president of Beth Yeshua International, Inc., a global ministry reaching over 190 countries worldwide. What started in 2003 with a handful of people meeting in a storefront has evolved into a thriving worldwide outreach with congregations, orpanages and schools. Greg lives in Georgia with his wife and four children.
Greg was raised in a traditional Jewish home in New York City. His family lived in a low income housing project in the Bronx. Wanting a better life, Greg rose above his meager background to become a successful businessman. Although he had wealth and success, something was missing. This is the story of Greg's quest to find TRUE riches.
Buy the E-Book for only $5.65!
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See all of Rabbi Greg's books on Amazon US
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Or buy it here in the shopping basket above, which will give Rabbi Greg a much bigger profit.
Visit Rabbi Greg's synagogue website:Beth Yeshua International
Watch his sermons on Youtube
Visit his personal website: Getzel
Comments from readers: (View the comments in full on Amazon. See link below.)
"What an incredible story! ... [A] life changing encounter with the Living God in OUR generation."
"All I can say about this book is, "I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!" It is so real and down to earth."
"This book ws very inspiring."
“It is inspiring and ignites you with a new passion for our Father and HIS WILL.”
“This is a must read book.”
“I laughed one minute, and cried the next.”
"... he is humorous but than he can be serious."
“You feel like you’re sitting down with him and he is speaking directly to you.”
"You can almost hear his Bronx accent."
“His matter-of-fact style is endearing.”
"Excellent book. Written for all readers. Written in such a manner that you don't want to sit it down until you finish the book."
"I was a little disapppointed in the style of writing although the story was fascinating. It made me want to ask more questions of the author. He needs to keep writing."
"Very well written in plain, easy to follow language."
"The book is an easy read and hard to put down."
"Sometimes authors try so hard to sound intelligent that their books aren't pleasurable to read and end up being "stiff". This isn't the case with this book."
"Very nice book to read when you are on the path of searching for God."
"Highly recommend for any age group, particularly those with quesions about God!"
"What a great surprise. This is an actual story about God speaking to someone"
"This is a good read for a Jewish person to begin to know and see the true Jesus as a Jew."
“I am going to share this book with my believing friends but also with my lost friends, those who ... want something to grab hold of as an anchor for their very soul.”
"This book is a must read for believers but especially unbelievers. It will increase the faith of the believer but it will have the unbeliever thinking really hard about that age old question, 'Could I be wrong in saying that God isn't real? What if God IS real?' "
"I bought and read the Kindle Fire version and will be purchasing hard copies of the book to give as gifts."
"This book is powerful and should be shared with as many people as possible."
"I greatly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. I have shared it with friends and it is now being read by the 4th person since I purchased this copy."
"While you may find many books which depict similar "finding God" stories, this non-fictional account of a Jewish boy becoming a Messianic Rabbi is riveting. I've rated it with 5 Stars [On Amazon] because they don't offer six."
Buy it on Amazon US
or on Amazon UK 
See all of Rabbi Greg's books on Amazon US
Buy it from Christian Book
or from Barnes and Noble
Or buy it here in the shopping basket above, which will give Greg will get a much bigger profit.
This is an amazing sermon by the author, Rabbi Greg Hershberg!! The whole sermon is good but the last part starting at 1:06:48 is phenomenal.
A sermon about Yeshua's Resurrection LOVE and Passionby Rabbi Greg Hershberg
God's Appointed Times by Rabbi Greg Hershberg
Return of the King by Rabbi Greg Hershberg
A video book review by a reader (with the old cover).
Interview by Jonathan Bernis onJewish Voice with the full Jewish Voice episode. (Rabbi Greg's interview starts at minute 10:10)
Another Radio interview on periscope with Bible News Radio, host Stacy Lynn Harp This interview is also about his newer Bible study book A Life for God.

We invite you to write a review here below. Make sure to mark the number of STARS the book deserves. We would also greatly appreciate a review on online stores and shares on social media. Thank you!
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