BIBLE STORIES: The first few stories of the Bible as told in Scripture with full color artwork.
This is a beautifully illustrated Bible storybook that speaks of humankind being created and valued. It emphasizes that God is light, but that people chose to sin and live in darkness. Much of the wording is taken directly from the Word of God.
The stories include:
- The seven days of Creation
- Adam and Eve created
- Adam and Eve deceived by the snake
- Adam and Eve cast from the Garden
- Cain and Abel
- Noah and the flood.
- The Tower of Babel
- Abraham is chosen (Contains just the beginning of Abraham's story.)
Adam and Eve lived in God's light and peaceful garden until they rebelled against Him and were forced to leave their perfect home. Well, one sin led to another and another. In time, the world became a dark and evil place. Then God sent a great flood to destroy all life on earth. But Noah, his family, and two of every kind of animal, were saved. Time passed, and once again, people chose to live in darkness. So God called Abraham, to be the father of a new nation. A nation that would love God and live in His light.
Size: 8x10 HARDCOVER, 48 pages.
See it on Amazon. And on Amazon UK.
About the Author:
Professional artist, sculptor, and designer, Pauline Shone, known for her extensive range of sculptures produced for Spode China Ltd., has written and illustrated 18 Children’s Bible Stories, published and distributed by Authentic Media in Asia. In the Beginning, is her first, full color children’s book for Olive Press. She also has lived and taught in Israel and has published the book, Israel and the Nations. Pauline lives in England. She has a son and a daughter, and four grandchildren.
Sample pages:

Good books help us to think. Children need to know the importance of thinking God’s way rather than the world’s way. They need to know how their decisions, both good and bad, will affect their lives just like Adam & Eve’s, Cain’s, and other Bible characters. This book shows God’s holiness and mercy, right from the beginning. Pauline quotes Scripture, which is so important as many parents today think the Bible is obsolete and outdated. The beautiful illustrations will remain in the children’s minds for years to come.
Lois Rykse, married to Mel, and great grandmother to 33 children
Michigan, USA
As a friend and former colleague of Pauline, I am honoured to be writing a review of In The Beginning. Pauline has captured the Biblical content along with such beautiful illustrations, bringing it alive for the child reader or like me the Dad reading it with his children.
Pauline is a gifted author putting pictures into words and words into pictures. My daughter just loves her books and it thrills me to see children excited about the Word of God. In this book children are shown (and we adults reminded) how it all began, and what an awesome God we have.
Colin A McFarland, married to Kicki, father of two children
Northern Ireland (formerly lived in Israel)
As a grandparent and retired primary school teacher, in both the Uk and Spain. I find this book of Pauline Shone’s an excellent way of introducing young people to the often complex stories of the Old Testament, particularly in our multi faith world. They are easy to read or “show and tell” due to the charming and detailed illustrations, which open up opportunities to extend children’s vocabularies and verbal expression. I heartily recommend it.
Sally, married to Ian Isaacs
Manchester, England (formerly lived in Menorca, Spain)
See other Olive Press books by this author.
See six other Bible story books by Pauline Shone, sold in India! Three of them, Ruth, Esther,and The Two Great Miracles, are coloring books.
Here are all her books listed on Amazon, with seven of them no longer available. Five are sold from India, from, three of those, Ruth, Esther,and The Two Great Miracles, are coloring books.
Here are pictures of older versons of her children's books.
And here's one more older version book, no longer available, just for interest. This one is included in new book from India, The Two Great Miracles.
Product Code: IN-BEGIN-1