This book titled, IN, studies, inductively and in depth, all that God imparts to all who are in our Lord Jesus, called “Christ”—the Greek word for “Messiah” in Hebrew.
Tracing the Messiah’s continuing Incarnation in the New Covenant people, IN moves though the New Testament, starting with the Gospels’ Incarnation of the Son, and Acts’ Inauguration of the Holy Spirit, and on through the Letters’ explanation of various, glorious aspects of the believer’s life in Christ, to Revelation’s message that informs and invites response. Over and over, the Spirit of God explains that all that comes to the believer is due to being in Christ. This study explores that wealth.
The word “in” seems to be such a tiny and incidental preposition, and yet in Scripture, “in” is one of the most important disclosures in God’s revelation. How significant is the “in” found in these verses?
- I Cor. 15:22 “For asin Adam all die, soin Christ all will be made alive…”
- Eph. 1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood....”
- Col. 1:27 “Christin you, the hope of glory….”
What questions does IN consider?
- What unifies the whole Bible?
- Who is the real Jesus?
- Whose righteousness does God accept?
- How does the Holy Spirit “indwell”?
- What is mine if I am “in Christ”?
- What is God’s eternal purpose?
- Where are we today in God’s plan?
- What are the Lord’s friends to be doing?
IN is great for group or personal study.
IN is the middle of three books in a Bible study series.
ALL, IN, THEREFOREBible Study Trilogy
- ALL reveals that the Old Testament is allabout Jesus, the Messiah, and He fulfilled all.
- IN, studies the glory of Messiah's enabling presence ineveryone who believes in Him.
- THEREFORE gives a panoramic view of what God has done for mankind, and how we should therefore live.

[Tanakh is the Hebrew term referring to the Old Testament.]
Buy all three books together at group discounts here.
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See all of Kay's books published here at Olive Press.
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Two of her books are about Ethiopia where she and her husband were missionaries: Overcomers, and Hidden in Triumph,
Another book was written by both she and her late husband Charles, The Messiah Mystery.
Three of her books are on
See her books on Barnes and Noble.
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