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IS GOD REAL? Finding the Path to Security and Peace
Does the chaos of the world today cause you anxiety? Are you looking for inner peace? Do you have doubts sometimes about God? Do you want to know for sure whether He is real or not? Would you like a foundation that is solid and holds no matter what is happening around you? This book will help you find it!
A Jewish atheist, son of Holocaust survivors, was on a quest to find peace and security for his family in the time of the nuclear threat during the Cold War between Russia and America. With his inner peace threatened, his atheism didn't provide the solid foundation he suddenly, badly needed. So he set out on a quest and found answers.
This book is for anyone who is searching to find answers for gaining peace and security for themselves. We all have our doubts but this book can help erase them and build our faith. It reveals how to find true inner peace and security that holds in spite of what is going on in the world.
SIZE: Paperback, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 130 pages
Let the author tell you himself about this book:
Here is a comforting message from the author recording during covid.
(You can also view it on YouTube here.)
The book will help you find peace in these troubling Covid-19 times.
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This book is leading atheists to begin seeking the Lord!! Buy one for your pre-believing friend.
Gary Glenn was born in New York city to Holocaust survivors. His career path is quite varied. He studied art for four years before joining the NYC Police Force. A few years later he studied law at Hofstra University School ofLaw and became an attorney and was admitted to practice law in New York State. He has also been a co-pastor, teacher, and preacher while being involved as a church leader. He authored a number of published magazine articles concerning law enforcement and crime, as well as about issues dealing with disability. He has spoken publicly at conferences for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation to law enforcement groups and to churches.
1. The Early Years 11
2. Marriage Struggles Between A Jew And A Gentile 21
3. Looking For a New Career Path 25
4. The Search For Security Begins 29
5. I Concluded That The Bible Is God’s Written Word 34
6. Does Judaism Have Anything To
Do With Christianity? 37
7. Explanation Of How Prophecy Works 40
8. Exploring The Bible 43
9. Fulfillment Of Some Non-Messianic Prophecies 46
10. Fulfillment of Some Messianic Prophecies 57
11. Prophecies About Israel And The Last Days 63
12. The Books Of The Prophets 65
13. Prophecy In Today’s Church 66
14. Discerning False Prophecy 70
15. Scriptures Leading Up To A New Covenant 75
16. Faith Vs. Doubt 81
17. The Power Of Our Testimony 83
18. My Thoughts About The Bible And Science 91
19. Getting Prepared 99
20. Serving God 109
21. When God Speaks 115
22. What’s Next God? 118

In the early 90’s I was a troubled youth and running from God. I was involved in a car accident and broke several of my lumbar discs. A leader from my church, who subsequently became a Co-Pastor, visited with me to pray for my healing. Instantly, the pain left my body and I was healed as x-rays later confirmed. That man who came to pray for me was Gary Glenn. God became real to me at that moment and , as you will discover from his book, God is very real ! You can read about account after account of how God has made himself known in and through Gary’s life and ministry. You’re going to enjoy this book!
Sean Malone – Founder & Director, Crisis Response International
I've had the privilege of knowing Gary Glenn for the past three decades as a friend. Unsurprisingly, through getting a glimpse into his wonderful family history, this book chronicles the transforming journey that he experienced from being a non-believer to becoming a man of faith in Jesus Christ the Messiah. Additionally, with accurate scriptural references throughout, Gary opens up a wide doorway of opportunity for his readers to gain the same understanding that he has gained to the age old question of whether God is real. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Vincent Deletto, Executive Director, Houses of Hope International
I first worked with Gary when I was professionally involved in Christian radio almost 30 years ago. Over the years we have remained in contact and been friends. I read this book "Is God Real?" in two sittings but finished it within one day. I was profoundly moved and touched by it. Furthermore, his compelling articulation of prophecy is powerful. His discussion of science helps to substantiate God's word. The book was easy to read and understand and is informative for believers and unbelievers alike. It's filled with evidence that we should all be aware of as well as some challenges. I am glad to have this book available as a resource to refer to and pleased to be able to say "My friend wrote it."
Robert F. Davis II, President/CEO
Odyssey Marketing, LLC & Odyssey Productions (N.J.)
I have personally known Gary for almost twenty years. He and his wife, Virginia, are both dedicated believers serving in the Body of Christ. His book "Is God Real? Finding The Path To Security and Peace" is personal and also very informative. I have enjoyed hearing Gary teach and preach over the years and was glad to be able to read his book. I was encouraged by reading about how God's transforming power touched Gary and Virginia beyond any type of mere religious observance. He provides clear and convincing scientific and historical evidence in support of the book's title. He also recounts many of his own experiences with God as he followed a path of personal and exciting discovery. I highly recommend his book to believers and non-believers alike. It will strengthen your faith and give you hope for a better future as God carries out his eternal purpose.
Frank Howell, Co-Pastor
Farmingdale Christian Church
125 Main St., Farmingdale, NY 11735
In Gary Glenn's book "Is God Real" the reader will see several paths. The paths of his Jewish family and his own path in discovering the reality of God. In Proverbs 4:8 the Bible says the "Path of the Righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day." In this book, the path unfolds as the Lord answers Gary's questions and leads him to the revelation he was looking for. This is available to ALL who are seeking the truth. I strongly recommend this book as a pathway for all seekers of truth.The Lord is faithful to reveal Himself.
Owen Carey Founder/Leader of New Testament Christian Fellowship, Manchester, NH
Product Code: GodisReal-1