It's time to learn the whole truth about Israel and the Middle East. Follow the factual history of Israel from Abraham to today in a very concise, easy-to-follow, short summary that doesn't skip any time periods.

Even if you know Israel's Biblical history, you may not know what happened to The Land during the first few centuries A.D. and during Medieval times.
Pauline skillfully gives us the big historical picture which reveals how we got to today's Palestinian struggle. Become informed about this historical and spiritual account that is very pertinent and vital to today's current events through Pauline's non-political, non-emotionally-charged, research-based approach.
ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS explores God’s promises, purposes, and plans for Israel, concisely covering the Biblical and historical record of the Jewish relationship to God and The Land—from Abraham to today—along with spiritual insights.
Pat, a 91 year old, bright-as-a-button UK reader, said, "If people don't understand about Israel after reading this book, they never will!! And not only will they learn more about Israel, but they will learn more about the Bible too!”
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 146 pages
Featured on Messianic Daily News.
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In a time where claims and counter-claims about Israel/Palestine have become narratives set adrift from fact, this work of Pauline Shone’s is a refreshing change. Usually we are confronted, from both sides of this wrenching dispute, with fragmentary data and strident claims. Elegantly concise and workmanlike, Israel and the Nations tells the essentials of the entire Biblical/historical record. It is a dispassionate retelling of the Jewish people’s relationship to The Land. For the person first coming to the topic it is a fine introduction to the long, historical sweep of this issue. For those familiar with the issues, it is an excellent reminder of the consistent Biblical and spiritual roots of the Jewish people’s place in The Land.
The Rev. Cn. Daryl Fenton
Executive Director
I warmly recommend this book to those seeking to learn about the history of the Jewish people, and God’s plans and purposes for them. It is a useful educational and inspirational resource, well written, informative and concise.
Sharon Sanders
Co-Founder and Director of the Ministry of Teaching
Christian Friends of Israel, Jerusalem
Pauline Shone in this new book has done us all a great service by setting out the “big picture” of God’s redemptive work. This book develops insights from her previous book - “Lamb of God” in which she outlined key Biblical Messianic prophecies.
In this new book, Pauline carefully examines the Biblical promises rooted in the patriarchs and the prophets. As the book unfolds the reader will see the historical and theological outworking of key Biblical themes such as election, deliverance, and restoration.
I am sure this book will be a good starting point for Bible students and teachers as they explore the promises and purposes of God, alongside the spiritual dynamics of good and evil. I am also sure many will find the concise and careful structure set out in sixteen brief chapters helpful and inspiring.
I warmly recommend this book for personal reflection and group study.
Rev Alex Jacob M.A, M. Phil
CEO, The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People (CMJ)
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR (greatly abbreviated from inside the book):
Pauline Shone lived in Israel, from 1997 to 2000, doing mission work. She taught English at Beit Nitzachon Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre. She also helped in other HaCarmel Congregation’s ministries: Raven’s Basket (a practical outreach to the poor, both Jews and Arabs), and Elijah’s cave (intercession). Then she returned to England to focus on writing. She has since gone back for three month periods to volunteer with Bridges for Peace and Succat Hallel, both based in Jerusalem. She continues to return to Israel frequently to pray, worship, visit, volunteer, etc., following the Lord's leading.
Born and raised in England, Pauline began her early career as an artist, designer, and sculptor. Her figurines became well known, especially those produced by Spode China.
At the age of forty, while reading Appointment in Jerusalem, Lydia Prince’s personal testimony, she understood that Jesus was alive and actively involved in people’s lives. She became a Believer which brought a dramatic change of direction and purpose in her life.
In between her times in Israel, Pauline became an author, writing children's Bible stories illustrated with her own artwork. Presently there are 16 stories in the Children’s Books Series, and over the years more than 400,000 copies have been sold in Asia. She also produced two illustrated booklets for teens based on the Bible characters, Ruth and Queen Esther, and wrote a book for adults, Lamb of God, Biblical Messianic Prophecies.
1 God’s Promise to send a Redeemer
2 The Line of the Seed
3 God’s Promises to Abraham
4 Son of the Promise, Isaac
5 God’s Promises to Isaac and Jacob
6 Captivity in Egypt
7 God Promises to Deliver His People
8 Planted in the Land
9 Uprooted
10 The Branch
11 Dispersion
12 God’s Holy Name
13 God Fulfills His Promises of Restoration
14 God’s Land
15 State of Israel Born in 1948
16 The Promise of His Return
The father of lies, Satan, has unceasingly instigated individuals and nations to rebel against God. He always contests, denies, and replaces God’s Word; and he hates God’s people, the witnesses of His truth. In present times, rebellion and wickedness have increased to an unprecedented level and the world is in turmoil.
This book studies God’s promises, bearing fruition through the Jewish nation, and being faithfully fulfilled throughout human history. There are promises yet to be fulfilled and God is faithful to keep His Word. It is Almighty God who is ultimately in control and His plan of redemption is being worked through to its climax: The return of Messiah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, to reign eternally from Jerusalem.
“Forever, O LORD, Your Word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89
See Pauline's Olive Press children's books here.
Product Code: ISRGU8OO71