Just in time for Christmas!! The Christmas story and beyond. This is a Children's Christmas story coloring book for ages 8 - 12. The artwork inside is black and white, so the children can choose to color them, if they would like to do so.
This is a great children's book that tells the story leading up to Jesus' birth and beyond, into His early ministry. The story starts before Christmas with John the Baptist's birth, continues to Jesus' birth, His childhood, His baptism, His temptation in the wilderness, and Him reading from the scroll in Nazareth.
The story is lifted from Scripture. The facts are from Scripture, and there are even several direct quotes from Scripture.
The author is also the artist. God gave Pauline Shone a very special gift. It was the gift of creativity. And at seven years old, she made her first illustration, Prince Charming dancing with Cinderella! And at sixteen years of age she began a five years Art College Degree Course. This led to a career in teaching, and then as a designer and sculptor for the ceramic industry. She became quite well known for her exquisite porcelain figurines. But after coming to a personal faith in Jesus as her Saviour, she used her God-given gift for Him. Over many years she created a series of illustrated Bible Stories for children. And this book, Jesus the Messiah, is the story of the One she loves. May anyone who reads it also know and love Him.
Here's a few sample page spreads:

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Product Code: JESJSSC784