This book is needed in the world today!
Are you lacking confidence in your parenting? You need this book!
Are you dismayed at what children are being taught by parents and teachers today? Are you disappointed in the lackadaisical, video gamer, time-wasting young adults today and don't want your children to become like them? Read this book! Do what the author, Chanty and her husband, Ross, did. Follow their guidelines in this book.
This book is about sensible parenting! Ross and Chanty raised sensible, confident children who had no identity troubles, who are motivated young adults, taking on their adult roles in the real world without hesitation.
PARENTING THROUGH THE FOUR SEASONS teaches the tactics and methods this Christian couple implemented to raise their four children into caring, productive young adulthood, knowing their worth in this world, who are not swayed by the ridiculous, idiotic ideology being advocated by liberal influencers and educators these days.
The parenting strategies they used include:
Placing priority on the marriage relationship
Routines as a staple in early childhood
Age-appropriate discipline tactics
Transitioning children into responsibility
Establishing boundaries for extracurriculars and digital devices
Like seasons, children transform before our very eyes. Sometimes their season can bring bitterness like the frigid winds of winter. Other times they spawn growth like the green grass in the spring. And although each season eventually comes to an end, it feels like it will last for an eternity. Peek in on the journey of Chanty and her husband parenting their children through the four seasons, and discover how it can help to transform your family.
Chanty Webb is a woman who trusts in the Lord with all of her heart and leans not to her own understanding. She uses her gift as a wordsmith to share personal stories that illuminate truths in God’s word. Her book, Personal Finances Personal Freedom, continues to liberate people from the mismanagement of money and coach them to become responsible spenders. Chanty and her husband, Ross, have been married for 22 years. They live in Pennsylvania and have four children.
1. First Comes Love
2. Self Less
3. Transitioning
4. Pass the Salt
5. Stop It Right Now Before You Get Your Beats Butt!
6. Be A Fan
7. I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen
8. Is Anybody Home?
9. Conclusion
Extra!!! Extra!!!
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Product Code: PARENTNG-1