Find out the wonderful, deep meaning of Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah - Feast of Trumpets), one of the Moadim, one of the Appointed Times of the Lord. It is an “appointment” set by Him. God has made an appointment with us in the Bible.
When someone makes an appointment, they have a reason. As author Rabbi Jim says, “If someone in my congregation makes an appointment with me, they wouldn’t like it if I controlled the whole time and never asked them what they wanted to see me about.” God has set the agenda for Yom Teruah - Feast of Trumpets, and we need to find out what it is.”
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This book is part of Rabbi Jim Appel's Appointed Time Series. See the other books here.

Use this wonderful, very worshipful, devotional study book to prepare yourself for this special Biblical Holiday -- Appointed Time - Moad.
Yom Teruah is Hebrew for the Day of Sounding the Shofar. Rosh Hashanah, which means "Head of the Year" or "New Year," is the traditional Jewish name for this Jewish Holiday. Christians call it the Feast of Trumpets. The Scriptures command us to celebrate this holiday with shouts of joy and the sounding of the Shofar.
What else are we supposed to be so happy about and why the Shofar? In this book, Rabbi Jim Appel (a colleague and friend of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn) answers those questions.
With new revelation from Scripture, Rabbi Appel reveals the profound significance of the Shofar and the deep meaning of this special day. Find out what has been hidden from followers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah for more than 1700 years. Rejoice that it is being restored to us today. Don’t miss out anymore on this special connection to the Lord.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 272 pages
Table of Contents
1 What Are We To Remember?
Why We Celebrate The Biblical Feasts
2 The Rapture
3 Intercession
4 The Promised Land
5 Shout For Joy For Past Events
6 The Shofar
7 The Source Of Our Hope
8 What Is T’shuvah?
9 Jerusalem, A Praise In The Earth
10 Upside Down Kingdom, Part I
11 Upside Down Kingdom, Part II
12 The Joy Of The Lord Is Our Strength
13 A Time To Heal, Part I
14 A Time To Heal, Part II
15 A Time To Heal, Part III
16 A Kingdom Of Cohanim
Breaking Up The Fallow Ground Handout
17 The One Who Is Forgiven Much, Loves Much
18 Shout For Joy For Future Events
19 The Message Of Akida (The Binding Of Isaac)
APPENDIX I Rosh Khodesh - The Biblical New Moon Celebration
APPENDIX IIThe Two Silver Trumpets
APPENDIX III Biblical Uses of the Shofar
APPENDIX IV Dates of the Original Teachings
See Inside
Listen to shofar blasts!
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It was featured as the Book of the Month on Messianic Times a couple years ago.
See it on these websites:

About the author
Jim’s parents were atheists who taught him that organized religion deceived and oppressed people. His search for spiritual reality began in drugs and yoga, but ended with a dramatic encounter with the Messiah Yeshua in his bedroom in 1977.
Before becoming the Messianic Rabbi of Congregation Shema Yisrael in 1996, Jim worked for Xerox Corporation for 24 years as an optical engineer and manager. He has a master’s degree in physics and holds more than 45 patents in copier imaging systems and laser printing.
Rabbi Jim shepherds his flock with gentle, inviting, easy-to-understand, yet profound teachings—always with points of personal and practical spiritual application. He and his wife, Diane, live in Rochester, NY. They have two grown children.
Product Code: TERUAH