TREASURES TOWARD WHOLENESS Seeking the Father for Treasures and Tools to become whole - Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually
Every Individual is unique. We all have different DNA, heritage, and world views. Even our finger prints are all distinctive! Every person’s personal journey through the challenges of this life are also unique. There are millions of books that suggest how everyone should eat, sleep, exercise, etc. etc! This book is different. It doesn’t tell you how to live your life or what health program to follow! With a foundational belief that we were created to live in wholeness and well-being, the author shares her own short personal stories hoping to inspire you to seek The Creator of the universe for answers and strategies that are tailor made to your unique person and situation. It is a challenge to go deeper, to ask yourself hard questions, and to desire health in every area of your life, not just physical.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 58 pages
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Product Code: TTW-1