Are you bringing people to Jesus?
Need something to help guide you and them into all the amazing newness now inside them?
This book is perfect for the new believer. It gives a wonderful overview of all the exciting Truths and the divine Power available to them now through Christ. Scriptures that are most important and relevant for new believers to learn first are given with simple, clear explanations in a pleasing format.
Use it and give it away anywhere in the world, even where there are no Bibles because the full Scripture passages are included.
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Exciting news!!! This book has been translatedinto the Urdu language to be distributed in Pakistan! Praise the Lord!!! Please pray for all the Pakistanis who will read it! And pray for the translator and distributer to be abundantly blessed in his outreach work in his country. Sales of this book or any of Olive Press books will help supply him with more free books to give away.

Product Code: WHATSNEW