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AUTUMN WHISPERS: Even when the leaves fall and the flowers fade, we still hear His call and rest in His shade.
This book tells the amazing story of the lengths God will take to reach one of His own and draw them to Himself. It is Alysa's early life story filled with tragedy and sadness, but how God reached down in a powerful, mysterious way to rescue her and woo her.
Alysa Merritt is the artist whose drawing of God's hand protecting Florida from the October 2016 Hurricane Matthew went viral.

Here's the 2016 Facebook post.
Watch her first video about it here and her second one here.
The views and shares reaching more than 50 million got the attention of ABC News!
Alysa is an actor and filmmaker with her husband. Their company is Tender Shoot Films.
Here is a video of her explaining why they did the movie Dying to Be Heard.
Please pray for us as we are editing and preparing this book in obedience to the Lord's leading and His timing. We at Olive Press feel so blessed and humbled to be a part of what God is doing in Alyse's life!
Product Code: autumn-1