A Passover book like no other!
A Passover SEDER like no other!
--eyes have been opened to Messiah!
--people have been healed!
You will appreciate and be in awe more and more
of what Yeshua's sacrifice did for you!
A profound, personal, Passover preparation study with the Rabbi's Seder notes!
Passover is one of the most important Appointed Times of the Bible.The Passover Seder is a Covenant Renewal Meal, designed and commanded by God, for renewing His Covenant each year with the Israelites.
See inside a couple chapters and additional pages.
This is the Print book. Buy the Kindle E-BOOK HERE.
This book is part of Rabbi Jim Appel's Appointed Time Series. See the other books here.
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We are pretty confident that you will not be the same after studying this book.
Discover the deep truths that
God’s Passover commandments, the first Passover events, and the Seder traditions reveal about
Yeshua and His sacrifice.
Learn how they help explain why Yeshua did what He did in His last days, and why everything happened as it did surrounding His death. Then see how it all applies to our lives today in very meaningful, practical ways.
There's a wonderful bonusat the back of the book. Scroll down to learn more.
- What is a Passover Seder? 9
- Plague of the Firstborn 26
- Mixed Multitude 39
- The Servant and The Son 55
- Removing Khametz 73
- Two Seders 104
- Must Be Ritually Pure 109
- Yeshua’s Purity Paradigm Shift 124
- Shabbat HaGadol 142
- The Unblemished Lamb 164
- Yeshua, The Passover Lamb: Parallels and Tradition 177
- Costly and Spotless 190
- Silent as a Lamb 204
- Even Intentional Sin 223
- Footwashing, Servanthood 242
- Washing Feet in Ministry, Finding Felt Needs 252
- Covenant Meal, Renewing Old, Establishing New 272
- Renewing the New: Promises and Conditions 285
- The Cups of the Covenant 304
- Children and Passover 323
Bibliography 336
Appendix A: Passover Seder Notes 340
Appendix B: Yeshua’s Last Seder Scriptural Outline 369
Here is a list of just a few things given and revealed in this book:
~ Full explanation of a Seder and all the traditions surrounding it.
~ How different the Seder was for Rabbi Jim after he accepted Messiah Yeshua.
~ Photos of Seders from ages past and from different ethnic groups
~ The significance of Shabbat HaGadol and how it connects to Palm Sunday
~ Ten different kinds of khametz (leaven) we need to remove from our lives.
~ The Seder is a Covenant Renewal Meal that Yeshua built the New Covenant Renewal Meal upon.
~ The mystery of the two Seders
~ The mystery of why Yeshua had to be silent
~ The mystery and profound truth of why Yeshua's sacrifice had to be totally pure and of the highest cost.
~ The amazing power and affect of all that Yeshua's sacrifice did and continues to do for us.
~ The mystery of the two kinds of freedom. Very interesting!
~ How Yeshua used even tradition in establishing the New Covenant
~ The deeper meaning and personal application of the four cups
~ Finish out that certain Exodus verse with a fifth and sixth cup? Yes, cups of the Promised Land and Inheritance.
~ The astounding 21 New Covenant promises with 6 conditions that Yeshua gave at his Last Seder.
~ Nine more promises from both the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant that Rabbi Jim emphasizes during the Seder, including physical healing and delivery from bondage and baggage
~ How foot washing can improve your ministry's effectiveness.
~ Very touching prayers at the end of most chapters for applying the principles to our own personal lives and those in our influence. And also some prayers for Israel and the Jewish people.
~ Instructions for partaking of your own private communion in the Lord's presence.
~ A chart of all the Scriptures of Yeshua's Last Seder in chronological order.
PLUS!! At the back of the book,
The complete set of SEDER notes for leading a
deeply meaningful SEDER yourself.
They are Rabbi Jim’s own personal notes for his well-loved, well-attended, powerfully profound community Seder. Traditional Jewish people have had their eyes opened to the Messiah! Guests speak of being deeply moved and some have reported amazing physical healing.
Rabbi Jim explains that the Passover Seder is a Covenant Renewal Meal, designed and commanded by God, for renewing His Covenant each year with the Israelites. He shows, with Scriptural evidence, how Yeshua (Jesus) built on this Covenant and on the traditional Passover Seder to establish the Covenant Renewal Meal for the New Covenant. You will learn the heart-touching connections between the Passover ceremonial traditions and the Last Supper and Communion. You will become profoundly more grateful for what Yeshua’s sacrifice accomplished, and deeply encouraged by the promises Yeshua wants us to rememberas wecelebrate Passover and commemorate His death until He returns.
It is a Passover SEDER like no other!
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